『脈と間−巡る熊野 Pulse and Awai – Streaming in Kumano』写真集出版


cf. https://amzn.asia/d/3s5pQlO


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⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎hibiscus 熊野を追体験!



*With gratitude, I would like to introduce it in reprint.    cf. https://amzn.asia/d/3s5pQlO

Reviewed in Japan on June 3, 2023  Buy on Amazon

⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎Yukie Toriumi  

Scenery that comfortably rests and invigorates the mind and heart.

For some time now, I have known the feeling that the landscapes that this photographer cuts and delivers speak to me deep inside.

It was as if the photographs appealed to me that the landscapes I knew so well were more beautiful and fresh than I had ever known them to be.

This photo book is a collection of landscape pictures taken from various angles and perspectives from Kii-Kumano, which the photographer had the good fortune to visit.

Strangely enough, the landscapes, which I should not have known, evoked in me a feeling as if I knew them somehow, as if they were connected to something deep inside me. The connection between the drops of water that had just emerged from the trees and cracks in the earth deep in the mountains, until they became streams and poured into the sea. The layers of the earth that have been overlapping since ancient times, the forests and trees that have nurtured us, the souls that reside in all of them, the prayers of our ancestors that we revere and that have connected our lives to each other, are all connected to me here in the present. It is truly a pulse, in-between. It is a strange sensation, and I find myself looking at it over and over again. My breathing becomes slower and deeper, and my head clears.

I wonder if the photographer, an expert on words, the brain, and the mind, is enjoying her attempt to work more directly with the mind and brain by minimizing the use of words. I have not been able to confirm this directly, but the reaction I had was definite. Thanks.

Reviewed in Japan on June 11, 2023


It relives Kumano!

Although I have not yet to visit Kumano, looking at the works in "Pulse and Awai−Streaming in Kumano", I seem to have surrendered myself in the eternal space of Kumano, where time flows in a timeless way. In the midst of my hectic daily life, opening the pages of this photo book is a relaxing and relaxing way to stretch my mind.



【メディア掲載】CAPA JUNE 2023

『脈と間−巡る熊野』・・・CAPA「写真集&新刊案内 」p.47に掲載頂きました。



The worship of a deity at the site of Kumano Hongu shrine dates back to B.C. Many times have changed, but the scenery here must not have changed much. The artist walked along the Kumano Kodo and captured her impressions of the landscape in her photographs. Mixing color and black-and-white freely, the artist brings to life the space of Kumano. The artist says that the vital pulse of both the people and the land have one’s pulse streaming, and that the interacting spaces create energy. When you are welcomed by the sea, you will be enveloped with peace.

265 x 225, 116 pages, ¥4,000

Ribbonsha TEL: 090-6517-1871

cf.CAPA JUNE 2023


『脈と間−巡る熊野』写真集(刊行:りぼん舎 代表 吉野千枝子)から・・・
















*鮮烈な印象でした。“生きて 感じよ” 良いですね。










A I介在ゼロ・・・〝蘇りの地〟熊野の自然界や人間だけのチームで産み出された一冊・・・

〝A Iが作るものと何が違うのだろう?〟そんな問いを持って眺めてみるのもいいかもしれません。

もちろん、だた ボ〜〜〜っと眺めるのも・・・🌿





①木風心風堂(こふうしんぷうどう) https://www.kofushinpudo.com

〒224-0001 横浜市都筑区中川5-40-29  担当:秋山リカ


〒231-0003 横浜市中区北仲通3丁目33 中小企業共済会館ビル1F


担当:本のとまり木:石井裕子 TEL:090-8685-0078


③Hair salon Bear's bell  https://bearsbell.com

〒221-0825 横浜市神奈川区反町4-27-15ウィンディーポート3F 担当:熊沢礼子

3.金光 律子 直販 rikokanamitsu@gmail.com または メッセンジャーにて

①〒ご住所 ②氏名 ③冊数



熊野のご縁 日本の源のエネルギーが 巡ってゆきますように🍀

#1000年プロジェクト #脈と間−巡る熊野 #熊野



• How are you doing in the hot summer days?

I would like to introduce comments about my photo book "Pulse and Awai – Streaming in Kumano " (Published by Ribbonsha ; Chieko Yoshino, Representative of Ribbonsha)....

*Yesterday, I walked around Kumano for a little while.

When I arrived home, I showed my husband the photo book. He rarely comments on the books, but he said, “ The photos are alive! ”

I was so surprised. I change the air in my home.

*I think it is no exaggeration to say that I felt the souls of the subjects. There were many times when my heart trembled.

*Since the day after I received the photo book, in the quiet early morning when sun shines in our living room, I have slowly opened it page by page, savored the photos, and enjoyed them with all my heart, thinking how interesting it is to have a pulse, a connection.

*Even before I opened the shrink-wrap, I felt the texture of the cover and the foil-stamped text expressing Ms.Kanamitsu's precious thoughts. Every time I turn the page, I feel as if I am walking together. I feel as if I am being led to a deep and sacred place. I would like to look at it again and again!

*Thank you very much for your powerful works.

*I guess it's because I am in a different state of mind at different times that I feel differently about this photo books.

*I guess it is because I am overwhelmed by the freshness, beauty, mystery, simplicity, history, and power. I look at them many times a day.

*I am always moved by the power of nature's way of life that is right in front of my eyes. The power of nature and Ms. Kanamitsu's desire to capture the moment were also conveyed to me. Children may feel the same way, but I am sure they will discover something new if they watch it again and again after a few years...the way we feel changes as we get older.

*It was a vivid impression. “Live, and Feel." That's good.

*It's a great book. The writing is wonderful. The editing is very good.

*I'm looking at the photo book whenever I want to take a break.

*The photos convey a life force. I felt especially strong power in the water photo.

I will treasure this photo book.

*The energy of Japanese spirituality is wafting through the air. It is as if you are soaking in a hot spring, and you are enveloped in a sense of peace that sinks into yourself from the very core. I hope many people will pick up this photo book.

*I visited Kumano in mid-June for a short time. The weather happened to be fine for the rainy season, and I was able to enjoy the air I wanted to breathe and the sounds I wanted to hear. I was happy to see some of the places I had seen in the photo book.


I am honestly happy to see that the "Pulse and Awai: Streaming in Kumano " photo book is quietly traveling with the people who have it in their hands, leading to a peaceful time, something new, and their Kumano travels.

In the hot summer days, it is nice to take a break from digital at home or indoors and have some quiet time to flip through at your own preferred pace.

Zero A.I. intervention… This photo book produced by a team of only humans and the great nature of Kumano, "What is different from what A.I. produces? It might be good to look at it with such a question in mind. Of course, you can also just look at it in a daze... 🌿.

(1)Amazon: https://amzn.asia/d/540yXAA

(2)Sample books are available for viewing and on-site sales:

A small number of the photo books are available for purchase.



5-40-29 Nakagawa, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 224-0001, Japan

Contact: Rika Akiyama

②Tomarigi of BOOKs 

3-33 Kitanaka-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0003, Japan


Contact: Tomarigi of BOOKs : Yuko Ishii TEL: 090-8685-0078


③Hair salon Bear's bell


Windy Port 3F, 4-27-15 Tanmachi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221-0825, Japan

Contact: Reiko Kumazawa

(3)Ritsuko Kanamitsu:direct sales

rikokanamitsu@gmail.com or by messenger

①address ②name ③number of books

☆ domestic mail is free(one book). (Letter Pack Light: Post in)


May Kumano's connection and the energy of the source of Japan be circulating all over the






『脈と間−巡る熊野 Pulse and Awai – Streaming in Kumano』金光律子著/2023.3.21りぼん舎(代表 吉野千枝子)刊行写真集・・・








[English translation below]

Publication Information

Today... Kumano cherry blossoms are in full bloom in Kumano.

" Pulse and Awai - Streaming in Kumano" published on March 21, 2023 by Ribbonsha (Representative: Chieko Yoshino), is a photo book...

With the help of many supporters, we have finally been able to publish this photo book.

Since October 2021, when I was first led to Kumano, my journey has been a chain of life's first experiences guided by something beyond myself.

This photo book is a crystallization of the great nature where mountains, villages, rivers, and the sea are all connected, my friend, the guides and many people I met there, and the wonderful team.

I hope that I have been able to share with you the essence of what I would like to leave behind for the next thousand years through the 87 photographs, a few words that came from my body, and the contribution of Ms. Akiko Ohe, who is my trainer of NLP in Japan and wrote recommendation for this photo book.

I pray that the chi and energy of the subjects will resonate with something in every one who picks up it.

Today, Vernal Equinox Holiday (March 21), I will begin with a renewed spirit, praying for peace nearby and in the world.

We are looking forward to send you this photo book like a drop of water spreading across an ocean.

Special thanks to : (敬称略)



水先案内人:たなかなおこ 土井麻利江 


翻訳:立花ありみ 編集:吉野千枝子 デザイン:石山さつき 


印刷:NISSHA 日本写真印刷コミュニケーションズ(株)

My parents, my brother and my friend who passed away

Kumano's nature and everyone who has helped us 

Navigator: Naoko Tanaka,  Marie Doi 

Contributor: Akiko Ohe 

Translation: Arimi Tachibana

Editing: Chieko Yoshino

Design: Satsuki Ishiyama 

Portrait: Mikio Hasui

Printing: Nissha 


1. 3/23(木)までにrikokanamitsu@gmail.com orメッセンジャーで金光律子宛に以下のメッセージ


①〒と住所 ②お名前 ③冊数

5/3(祝・水)−6(土)「脈と間−巡る熊野 金光律子写真展」ポストカードを同封の上、送料無料にて発送いたします。(到着後にお振込 税込¥4,000/冊)

2. 3/22(水)〜 次の3拠点にて見本誌をご覧頂けます。数はわずかですが、ご購入頂けます。(敬称略)

①木風心風堂(こふうしんぷうどう) https://www.kofushinpudo.com

〒224-0001 横浜市都筑区中川5-40-29  担当:秋山リカ


〒231-0003 横浜市中区北仲通3丁目33 中小企業共済会館ビル1F


担当:本のとまり木:石井裕子 TEL:090-8685-0078


③Hair salon Bear's bell  https://bearsbell.com

〒221-0825 横浜市神奈川区反町4-27-15ウィンディーポート3F 担当:熊沢礼子



【 2023.4.3New ! 】






#千年プロジェクト #未来世代への贈りもの #熊野 #写真集 

#脈と間−巡る熊野 Pulse and Awai − Streaming in Kumano